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AirPort Express ne fait pas tout en même temps ?

Nous donnons la parole à David, un de nos lecteurs anglophones.

My girlfriend is a macophile too -- she was having "range" problems with her Airport Extreme base station, and when the Airport Express was announced, was one of the many who ordered it "then end there". She got it yesterday, and the iTunes piece worked OK (any glitch requires iTunes in the Mac to be restarted); but the real killer is that when it is delivering iTunes to her stereo, it STOPS being a network range extension device; it is either on or the other. She spent 2 hours on the phone with Apple tech support before this was "revealed". I may just be naive about the technological aspects -- but this is a complete bummer no matter how you look at it.

En résumé, si vous achetez une borne AirPort Express pour étendre un réseau AirPort, il vous sera impossible d'utiliser simultanément des haut-parleurs branchés dessus. En effet, lors de l'écoute musicale, la borne cesse de se comporter comme relais Wi-Fi. La chose a été confirmée par le support technique Apple au bout de deux heures de tests.
Cette limitation difficilement avouée risque de refroidir certaines personnes.
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