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USB 2.0 ou 1.1 sous Mac OS X ?

Suite à ma news du 6 Juin sur les disques dur USB 2, j'ai reçu des mails me demandant si l'USB 2.0 était vraiment supporté sur Mac OS X, ou les cartes PCI ne fonctionnaient en fait qu'en USB 1.1, comme il semble être le cas pour la carte Adaptec USB 2 Connect de Lolo.
J'ai donc posé la question à IOGear. Je vous livre leur réponse en entier, puisqu'elle est très clair.

Thank you for contacting us.
NOTE: Please make sure you have the following installed onto your Macintosh system in order to ensure proper funtionality of your internal PCI cards and external devices.
USB 2.0 is only supported under Mac OSX, but will function as a USB 1.1 card under OS 8.6 - 9.2.2.
The USB 2.0 driver is available through our web site:
For Mac OS 8.6 through v9.2.2, you will need the following from
Adapter Card Support 1.4.1
Mass Storage Support 1.3.5
You may visit Apple Support ( ) for additional information and to download the latest drivers for your Mac. You may also obtain additional information and download the above files from ( ). Each site provides a wealth of information and tools to keep your Mac running smoothly.
To ensure the proper installation of your IOGEAR PCI card into your Macintosh systems, whether it is a FireWire, USB, or USB 2.0, please follow the instructions below.
All USB, USB 2.0, and FireWire PCI cards must be installed into the Number One (1) Slot (32bit Bus Master Slot) on all Beige Macintosh Computers. The number one slot on most all beige Macs is a 32bit PCI slot while the other PCI slots are typically only 16bit. FireWire, USB, and USB 2.0 are 32bit technologies and need the Bus Master Slot in order to function normally.
Please make sure you install your PCI card into this slot.
A general rule in finding the number one slot, look for the upper most or inner most PCI slot on your beige minitower or desktop Macintosh Systems. Installing the card here will help insure that you are installing the PCI card into the correct PCI slot.
For further information on your exact model Macintosh or for more information on the 32bit PCI Slot please visit the following helpful links.

Let me know if you have any further questions, or if I can be of further assistance.

En gros, leur carte ne fonctionnera qu'en USB 1.1 sous Mac OS 8.6 et 9, mais bien en USB 2.0 sous Mac OS X. De plus, il est nécessaire d'installer la carte sur le Slot 1 des G3 Beige (qui est le seul à fonctionner en 32 bits).
Enfin, sur Mac OS 8.6 et 9 vous aurez besoin de
USB Adapter Card Support 1.4.1
et de Mass Storage Support 1.3.5 sur Mac OS 8.6.
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