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WWDC : Récapitulatif

WWDC 2002 : Requiem pour Mac OS 9
C'est sous la Toccata en Fugue en G mineur, JS Bach, que Steve est apparu ce matin. Sur la scene un cerceuil, avec une boite de Mac OS 9 à l'intérieur. Enfin, Steve fait ses adieux à Mac OS 9, et apres une minute de silence nous pouvons enfin accueillir Jaguar (annoncé Late this Summer).
Jaguar Specs :
- FreeBSD v4.4
- GCC 3
- IPv6, IPSec
- Open Directory (LDAP)
- Kerberos
- Cool Terminal Feature Updates
Windows :
- SMB Browsing and Sharing
- Active Directory support
- Better Exchange support
Education :
- Workgroup management
- Simple Finder
- NetInstall (boot using N and a script install the comp), NetBoot
- Universal Access
- Printer Sharing
Developer Tools :
- Full C++ compliance
- Improved Code generation (10 - 20%)
- Project Builder : new multi-window user interface
- Improved Compile time
and recommendation about How to build OS X apps :
- Ditch CFM, go native
- Drop legacy APIs (drop OpenTransport API, use the Foundation Layer Network)
- Embrace new technologies
- Use file system carefully
- Use performance tools
Finder :
- Spring Loaded Folder (included column view)
- Integrated Search (new Command F find interface)
- Multi-threaded
- Automatic thumbails
- Steve has been very quick
Sherlock III :
- Evolve Sherlock channels into Internet Services
Sherlock III Demo:
- New GUI
- ability to show HTML file
- ability to show pictures
- ability to show plans (exemple : sushi -> restaurant address and plan)
QuickTime 6 :
- MPEG-4 video
- AAC audio
- Instant-on Streaming (don't have to wait for the buffer)
- QuickTime Broadcaster (free)
QuickTime 6 Demo :
- 1 song, 2 codecs (AIF & AAC - 64kbps or 128 kpbs), switching from one to the other using QuickTime 'play sound frontmost' function, IT ROCKS !
- 1 video, 2 codes (.mov & .mpg4 local and streamed), playing both at the sane time, IT ROCKS !
- Streamed using DSL line, using MPEG4 with AAC, no more buffer !
Universal Access :
- Zooming
- Screen reader
- Full keyboard access
- Visual Notification
- Developer APIs
Universal Access Demo :
- Flash Screen
- Anti aliased zoom
- Speak text under the mouse
Quartz Extreme :
- Hardware accelerated by OpenGL : 2D + 3D + OpenGL
- Need AGP2X and 32 Mb (not possible on Rage 128 and earlier)
Quartz Extreme Demo:
- Slow Genius Effect on a DVD window
- Terminal transparency over a DVD window
- OpenGL object over a DVD window
- Composite addition and tolerance of 3-4 movies with 3 OpenGL objects
Inkwell :
- Handwriting recognition
- Integrated into text system
- Steve has been very quick
- why such a speed Steve ?
Inkwell demo :
- Partout ou on peu taper du texte, on peut utiliser une tablette avec le stylet (demo TextEdit, Photoshop, et Terminal)
Rendezvous :
- Dinamyc discovering of IP
- Zero configuration
- File & USB printer sharing
- Developer APIs
Rendezvous Demo :
- iTunes : access another computer library without any configuration
Mail :
- Intelligent spam filtering
- Sophisticated rules
- Auto-merged mailboxes
- Cross-mailbox searching
- Highlight message thread
- QT playback inline
- SSL, Kerberos CRAM-MD5
- Don't go so fast Steve !
Address Book :
- Single database for people
- Instant searching
- Smart editing
- Bluetooth caller ID & SMS
- Developer APIs
Address Book Demo :
- New GUI
- Find Maps
- Full view or Column view
iChat :
- Officially AIM compatible
- AOL "blessed"
- Aqua "bubble" interface
- Presence indicator in mail
- Automatic local buddy list
- names
iChat Demo :
- Nice GUI
- Picture of the peoples
- Full Address Book support
- Aqua Bubbles in chat !
- Drag photos from iPhotos to send them to your contact
Metal for the rest of us Demo :
- Including metal in all the framwork : you click a box on interface builder an there it is.
Jaguar Server :
- "Headless" operation
- NetInstall, NetBoot
- Open Directory (LDAP)
- Server-optimized JavaVM
- Disk, print & mail quotas
- Python, fast CGI, TCL, Ruby
May 14 : New Rack Server !!
Client, Tools, Server Preview : 6 cds -> today !!

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