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Overclock Extrême d'un G4

Voilà longtemps que nous rêvions de faire un overclock extrême d'un processeur G4

Conclusion :

As you should have guessed by now, the PPC 7450 is very robust but has poor overclocking potential. As per Motorola's numbers, this processor stopped at 867MHz (Quicksilver 2001 PowerMacs).
We hope to be forgiven our burning of a G4 processor, but we think it was worth it. And we will try again with more promising processors. For example with the G4 1GHz that easily overclocks to 1.2 GHz just by increasing the core voltage to 1.95V.
Or can we hope trying this with the PPC7455B processor, the one that runs at 1.4GHz with only 1.6V ?.

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